Making Energy NetWork Roundtable - Raleigh

08/28/2015 07:30 AM - 10:00 AM ET




Doubletree Raleigh - Durham Airport RTP
4810 Page Creek Lane
Durham, NC 27703
United States of America


Across North Carolina there are 80 counties that have limited or no access to broadband and other various industry services. What does investment in broadband infrastructure require to enable new business model and service innovation in energy, healthcare and other industries? How can current providers lead or leverage broadband investments to improve services? Join us on August 28th to explore how the connection of clean energy and broadband can create economic opportunities across rural North Carolina.


Connecting Clean Energy & Broadband  

Across North Carolina there are 80 counties that have limited or no access to broadband and other various industry services. What does investment in broadband infrastructure require to enable new business model and service innovation in energy, healthcare and other industries? How can current providers lead or leverage broadband investments to improve services? Join us on August 28th to explore how the connection of clean energy and broadband can create economic opportunities across rural North Carolina. 

7:30 AM-8:15 AM
Registration, Breakfast, and Networking 

8:15 AM-9:15 AM
Clean Energy and Broadband Connections Roundtable Discussion 
Moderator: Diane Cherry, Institute for Emerging Issues
Speakers: Mike Ozburn, NC Connect and Ivan Urlaub, NCSEA 

9:15 AM-10:00 AM

Breakfast will be provided and parking is complimentary. NCSEA members receive complimentary registration as a member benefit (you must be signed in before you register). Non-member registration fees are $15. If you would like to become a member, please join here. You may also join onsite to receive complimentary admission. 


NCSEA's Making Energy NetWork Roundtables are a ​new ​series of ​informal, statewide ​​gatherings hosted every other month by NCSEA & our business partners/members. Unique in nature but united in purpose, the event series is designed to provide​ NCSEA members, energy consumers, and industry thought leaders​ an opportunity to regularly convene and engage in two-way dialogue on specific clean energy issues​ happening in our state​.​ ​​The roundtables are also another opportunity to reach out to our individual communities, engaging potential members and other stakeholders​ around​ NCSEA’s mission and membership value​​. ​While the subject matter will vary per event, the agenda​s​ for ​all events will include time for networking and discussion​, which is open to all attendees​.

The roundtables can be conducted as breakfast, lunch, or evening event​s​. Event sponsorship offers many benefits and is encouraged.​ ​Have a suggestion for a future Making Energy NetWork event? ​Please contact with ​topic suggestions ​and hosting or sponsorship inquiries.